€10K - €15K

Tangelo colt from top damline

Listed: September 15, 2024 4:22 pm
61 total views, 7 today
  • Animal Name: Cullinaghmor Elton
  • Price Range: €10K - €15K
  • Guide Price: 12,000
  • Studbook: HSI
  • Sire Name: Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve
  • Dam Name: Eldorissa Van De Reeberg Z
  • Damsire: Eldorado
  • Animal Type: Showjumper, Young Stock
  • Sex: Colt
  • Year of Birth: 2024
  • Colour: Brown
  • Location: Limerick


Flashy brown colt Tangelo x Eldorado X Douglas.
Dam is 4yo due to start ridden career after weaning.
From renowned holsteiner damline 474a, 3rd dam is full sibling to 1.60 stallion Verdi TN. A good looking colt with tonnes of presence. Dam shows top potential loose jumping. HSI passport being processed. More info on breeding in photos.


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Contact Seller:Allison Geary on +35387051XXXX show phone number

61 total views, 7 today


Listing ID: 1966e6fb703c2d7

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About The Seller

By: Ageary01

  • Member Since: November 21, 2020

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