An initiative of Horse Sport Ireland

Overseas Buyers attending Mullingar International

Uncategorized May 27, 2013

A PILOT programme to attract overseas buyers to next week’s event has been initiated by Mullingar International and supported by Horse Sport Ireland. The aim of the programme is to encourage trade for the Irish producer by inviting overseas buyers to review the current stock of 4 years olds and monitor the progress of this year’s […]

3995 total views, 1 today

Irish Horse Hall of Fame – Kilbaha

Uncategorized May 27, 2013

Celebrating past and present Equine Greatness KILBAHA 1983 -2011 In May of 2011 we mourned the passing of a great horse, the Army horse, Kilbaha.  This proud and brave Irish Sport horse remains a firm favourite for those who watched, followed and cheered for the gelding over the years. Partnered by then Capt. John Ledingham, Kilbaha’s […]

8062 total views, 0 today

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