We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below. If you have any specific questions or need assistance please email [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I get started posting ads on the Gateway?
Once you have registered your account, all you have to do is pay for your membership to get started posting ads. Click on the ‘post an ad’ link on the right side of your Dashboard. Before you can post an ad you will be prompted to pay your annual membership. After you have paid, you will be able to post your ads immediately.
2. How can I add my profile photo?
The Irish Horse Gateway staff have to upload your profile photo to your account. Please email your photo or logo to [email protected] and we will add it to your account.
3. I have forgotten my password. How can I get back into my account?
The Irish Horse Gateway website has a password recovery option. Go to the ‘Login’ page (click Login link at the top right of the screen) and click on the ‘Lost your password?’ link. You can then enter your username OR email address and the system will email your password directly to you.
4. How do I change my profile information?
Login to your account and go to your Dashboard. Click the link to ‘My Dashboard’ at the top right of the screen. On this page there is a link to ‘Edit Profile’ on the right side of the page. Click ‘Edit Profile’ and your profile will open up and you can change any information you wish, such as phone number or bio. Once finished click the blue ‘Update Profile’ button to save the changes to your profile.